Unfinished or Colored Veneer MDF Core Wood Strip<br/>12" x 16" x<br/>  (5/32" or 1/4")

Unfinished or Colored Veneer MDF Core Wood Strip
12" x 16" x
(5/32" or 1/4")

5.00 stars, based on 1 reviews
Colorado Heirloom has worked with our wood suppliers to manufacture a specified laser compatible MDF core veneer product. These sustainable wood veneers have a NAUF certified MDF core with thin solid wood veneers on both faces. Each veneer...
Reviews 1-1 of 1
Pueblo, CO

Excellent for Clean and Consistent Engraving and Cutting

review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
5/32" Walnut and Mahogany

Very consistent thickness and beautiful finish. Finish reduces my post processing immensely.

Cherry and Alder are great, but they seem to warp easier at this size. They also have great finish and consistent thickness.

Reviews 1-1 of 1